So here are your ideas! Pick yours or someone else’s, or yours and someone else’s, get the picture and let us get this thing rollin’! 

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This is my can respond to this if you'd like!
It’s descriptive in the sense that a loan Greenlandic word can hold the meaning for what we English speakers would need several words or a sentence to be able to convey.
I love this!- The word 'computer' is 'qarasaasiaq' in Greenlandic, which directly translates to mean 'artificial brain'. 'Potato' is called 'naatsiiat' , which literally means 'something for which one waits for a long time to grow up'.- this truly warms my heart.
Greenlandic is a ‘polysynthetic’ language, which means that words are formed with a root, and one or more affixes and a suffix. –
This will be the first post of many to demystify Greenlandic culture and heritage through entry point of its Language. I’m excited!
I’m thinking my next post will track down other polysynthetic languages, and how Greenlandic came to be...
I agree. It is a very pretty language. Just like me :o