Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Pars Partis Unus

Hello all my fellow Bloggers!

So it seems that we must blog on our most interested topic regarding the current topic. Well i've searched through every possible topic, and there was one, just one, that really took my interest. This topic is one that is both many years old, yet work is still continuing on it everyday. The topic that i speak of is of course... EXTINCT LANGUAGES!!!! This is a topic that has been on my mind for many months now, as one day i came across a page about Latin. Now if you've every read about Latin, or heard it, or even know of a second cousin twice removed on your mother's sister's step brothers side of the family that knew what R.I.P. (it's requiescat in pace in case you were wondering) was in Latin, you know it's a freaking awesome language! Now, this is supposed to be about dead languages i know, well that's what i said it's going to be about, but since Meg (yes Meg, i'm talking about you) it could be about anything, i thought i might just focus on Latin, cos well, the other languages don't really comepare to the almighty mightiness that is Latin, i don't think i'll bother wasting valuable typing time on those when i could be talking about Latin. Ok so now that all the talking about talking about Latin is done, down to work. Let's start with a quick background on this wonderful dead language, so um, yeah Latin is... all about the... penguins? i'll be right back, just gotta check out a few facts before i start, might actually help if i knew what i was talking about.

Ok so now onto the back ground information (after a few trips to wikipedia). Let's get the boring stuff out of the way first up. Latin originated from the proto language Indo-European. Here's a fun fact, Latin and it's daughter languages are the only surviving branch of Italic language family. Now when it originated, even it had shifts in how people spoke it. Two main forms of Latin originated, Classical Latin and Vulgar Latin. Classical was the high end part of Latin. Those of the higher upper class spoke it quite well, whereas those of the lower class spoke Vulgar Latin. This is not to say that Vulgar Latin was of a lesser standing than Classical Latin, it was merely just an easier way of speaking at the time. Most people wrote in Classical Latin, as that was what they were taught to do, it is how people communicated, but when it came to speaking, well let me tell you, it was a whole different ball game. Vulgar Latin was the easiest way to communicate via the spoken medium , so as this was the case, it was the most commonly heard out in the streets. Vulgar Latin got it's name not from the fact that those who spoke it were vulgar, or that it was formed on a basis of vulgar words. It actually used to mean something similiar to common, so when it was said that someone was a vulgar person, it merely meant that they were of common background.

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