Witchita is a moribund caddoan language spoken in Oaklahoma by the Withcita Tribe. However, due to the loss of nearly all but one of it's native speakers (Doris McLemore) this language may be lost forever, and hundreds of years of history could vanish in the blink of an eye.

The University of Colarado, (led by professor David Rood) have taken steps to prevent this language disappearing forever and began a documentation process, in which they have written down all of what Doris translates for them and listened to recordings of her voice when speaking fluent Witchita. She commented saying
'I never expected to be the last speaker, I never even imagined it'. Unfortunately Withcita is not the only native language this is happening too. It has become a statistic in the 199 languages that are critically endangered and having less then 10 speakers fluent in each. It is rather fascinating to think that several hundred individuals spoke Withcita fluently four decades ago and now there is only one speaker left.
'When she's gone, a unique form of expression will disappear' Professor David Rood said. With already having lost around 2,500 languages there has been a history, culture and way of life that have disappeared with them, and with documenting hopefully the language of Witchita will be preserved.
Above image is of the native Witchita Tribe and across the right is the last speaker Doris McLemore.
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